• Construction project

    Describing movements and shapes; giving instructions; building tactics; commenting choices.

    Ask your way !
  • Fantasy quest

    Following instructions; facing random events; commenting data collected; discussing tactics.

    Make assumptions !
  • Finding your way

    Following the rules; moving around a map; controlling the area; planning ahead.

    Plan !
  • Police inquiry

    Studying a police case; analysing the crime scene; interviewing suspects; building hypothesis.

    Analyse !
  • Space mission

    Optimisation of resources; trajectory to calculate; facing events; estimating probabilities.

    Optimise !
  • Living on an island

    Debating modification of the rules; proposing alternatives; voting for the best suggestion.

    Negotiate !
  • Science-Fiction

    Teamwork; exploiting the ongoing data; cracking a code; escaping the imminent danger.

    Under pressure...
  • your perfect living environment

    Building an ideal place from a set of components; make it playtest.

    Create a setting !

What we do best

Tailored Course Design

Incorporating learners' interests in a language course helps to grab their attention and therefore, to achieve an efficient and long-term learning.

Fully responsive

We offer a permanent feedback to the teachers, evaluating with them the techniques that they apply during their lessons to help them keeping focus only on their specific needs. We also held periodcally internal or external workshops.

Your professional needs are adressed

Our teachers have learnt to build the most efficient lessons for everyday purposes, grammar acquisition, self-confidence in speaking, job interview and so on. Course pursuing a specific objectives for professionals and immersive French learning experience through Stockholm are available on demand.

I play so I learn

Tailored French Game Lab combines the traditionnal school curriculum with a French immersion in the language in a fun and engaging way, using games and situations.


We established your program together

We listen to the way you do your job and we build propositions based on your goals and your teaching routine.

  • What's the most important thing for you?
  • We can offer a cost-saving solution, a better time to deliver the solution, highly interactive suggestions for the classroom ...It can be anything that you decide.

We craft carefully your program

We are fully dedicated in reaching your goals on due time, being the most reliable that you could count on. We will do whatever to make you successful.

  • What can you do for us in a concrete way?
  • It can be faster, cheaper, or done with a higher specificity

Our Latest Projects

Learning consequences

The trapped temple

Develop your city


Program your space travel

Designing a game together

Language acquisition through games
Acquisition de langues par le jeu

Games as training tools : some axis of improvement
Les jeux comme outils de formation : quelques axes d'amélioration

  • What has been done in the fields of language games?
    Qu'a-t-on fait dans le domaine des jeux de langage ?
    The transfer of some playful mechanisms in the teaching of languages ​​- and in a general way in other non-playful fields (gamification) - can be done thanks to new approaches, often done with fougue, in courses that have horizons that are separate, and without direct connection with the learning of languages. Especially in the world of business (marketing, management, communication) and in the stages for adults, where the play mechanisms have been a great success as tools integrated into the training. The pedagogy of languages has quickly followed, with adaptations to the language games of the company games (Taboo, Scrabble, Scattegories, Time’s up, etc.) and the role games.
    On this subject, #HaydéeSilva proposed in 2009 a first typology of different categories of introductory boardgames in a class that is based on a double axis: on the one hand, the games are centered on the language (for example: games vocabulary); on the other hand, those who favor speech production (image, challenge and strategy games). This distinction made by Silva between language and discourse games are crucial for the continuation of our analysis.
    The first axis focuses on the descriptive elements of the language (phonology, syntax, morphology, lexicon, etc.), and it has contributed to the development of serious, very vivid digital approaches. The didactic applications that borrow this way benefit from a double advantage:
    * a fabulous repertoire of structures;
    * a second asset that is not negligible for apps, is their adequacy in self-learning and e-learning.
    Far more problematic to put in place are the adaptation attempts of games where predominate the simulation, and which tend to operate on discourse in communication situations: role-playing games, simulation, dramatization or improvisation. Existing collections are most often limited to indicate, besides game consignments, grammatical or lexical objectives and possibly the language level required by the activity. The communication repertoires are founded on pragmatic, cultural and socio-affective aspects, of a more powerful nature. There, designers and participants are evolving on a more moving terrain. This may explain the quasi-absence of models of didacticization of oral activities that convene the playful component,. For these reasons, in TailoredFrench AB, we limit our analysis to proposals and playtests that follow the "discourse" axis, which staged oral interactions in communication situations. It's in our eyes, where all the potential for learning a language lies.
    #teaching #games #discourse #language #apps

    Le transfert de certains mécanismes ludiques dans l'enseignement des langues - et de manière générale dans d'autres domaines non ludiques (gamification) - peut se faire grâce à de nouvelles approches, souvent faites avec la fougue, dans des cours qui ont des horizons séparés, et sans lien direct avec l'apprentissage des langues. Notamment dans le monde de l'entreprise (marketing, management, communication) et dans les stages pour adultes, où les mécanismes ludiques ont rencontré un grand succès en tant qu'outils intégrés à la formation. La pédagogie des langues a rapidement suivi, avec des adaptations aux jeux de langage des jeux d'entreprise (Taboo, Scrabble, Scattegories, Time's up, etc.) et des jeux de rôle.
    A ce sujet, #HaydéeSilva proposait en 2009 une première typologie des différentes catégories de jeux de société d'initiation dans une classe qui s'articule autour d'un double axe : d'une part, les jeux sont centrés sur le langage (par exemple : jeux de vocabulaire) ; d'autre part, ceux qui privilégient la production de la parole (jeux d'images, de défis et de stratégie). Cette distinction opérée par Silva entre jeux de langage et jeux de discours est cruciale pour la suite de notre analyse. Le premier axe porte sur les éléments descriptifs de la langue (phonologie, syntaxe, morphologie, lexique, etc.), et il a contribué au développement d'approches numériques sérieuses et très vivantes. Les applications didactiques qui empruntent cette voie bénéficient d'un double avantage :
    * un fabuleux répertoire de structures ;
    * un deuxième atout non négligeable pour les applis, est leur adéquation en auto-apprentissage et en e-learning. Beaucoup plus problématiques à mettre en place sont les tentatives d'adaptation de jeux où prédomine la simulation, et qui tendent à opérer sur le discours dans des situations de communication : jeux de rôle, simulation, dramatisation ou improvisation. Les collections existantes se limitent le plus souvent à indiquer, outre les consignes de jeu, des objectifs grammaticaux ou lexicaux et éventuellement le niveau de langue requis par l'activité. Les répertoires de communication sont fondés sur des aspects pragmatiques, culturels et socio-affectifs, de nature plus puissante. Là, designers et acteurs évoluent sur un terrain plus mouvant. Ceci peut expliquer la quasi-absence de modèles de didactique des activités orales qui convoquent la composante ludique. Pour ces raisons, à TailoredFrench AB, nous limitons notre analyse aux propositions et playtests qui suivent l'axe « discours », qui mettent en scène des interactions orales dans des situations de communication. C'est à nos yeux là que réside tout le potentiel d'apprentissage d'une langue. #enseignement #jeux #discours #langue #applications